Introducing Mockware..

Mockware is a React JS front end application together with Pega component for creating stubs / mock services for the integrations in Pega project. 
This project is build as part of Pega Community Hackathon 2022.

DemoHackathon Page

For the Pega community..

For Pega citizen developers, testers and core developers, Mockware allows creating stub for integrations more fun and easy. You can focus on building for change. You may need a stub service to test some edge scenarios, or to run automated schedule testing, or to run some test without mutating the actual data source or even when developing something where the integration doesn't exist yet.

Connect the dots.

Connects the dots using modern React JS front end to create mock services for Pega applications faster and provide features like Request journals, Prefill data for creating stubs and multiple ways to match requests etc.

Lightning fast

The Mockware application is very light weight and lightning fast. You can deploy using a docker image or even using any static webserver.